We look forward to meeting your family and taking the first steps towards success together. Please fill out our form below.
M O N D A Y - F R I D A Y
8am – 6pm
9am – 4pm
Hours of Operation
(226) - 241 - 8760
Phone Number
1 0 5 L E X I N G T O N R D, # 1 8
Waterloo, Ontario
N2J 4R7
Our Location
We currently do have a waiting list- especially for before and after school appointments. The wait for sessions outside of 9am-2pm are generally multiple months. We are seeing clients during daytime hours more quickly. We are planning to expand our team in the coming months to alleviate wait times and move through our lists at a faster pace.
Our services are often covered by private insurance policies. Reach out to your provider for details of your specific coverage. We do not bill your insurance directly. You'll be required to pay for your services at the end of your session. You can then submit a claim to your provider with your receipt for reimbursement.
Our Speech Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy services are eligible for coverage through the Ontario Autism Program. Families typically pay for services following their session and submit their receipts for reimbursement through the OAP.